According to the program of work in 2014, the Macedonian Association of Laboratories and Inspection Bodies -MAKLAB on 08 and 9 April 2014, organized a two-day training on the theme “Documentation management and staff competence in medical laboratories in accordance with EN ISO 15189:2013 and National requirements for accreditation of medical laboratories”
The training attracted great interest in medical laboratories within the clinical centers in Skopje, Bitola and Stip, as well as in laboratories within the private clinics.
Presenters were Mr.Trpe Ristovski – Director of IARM, Ms Anita Talaja Borota – head of unit for accreditation of testing laboratories and Mr Lirim Isahi – Representative of the Ministry of Health.
According to the conducted evaluation, training was successfully evaluated by participants and confirms the commitment of MAKLAB to the process of accreditation of medical laboratories in the country.