Following the invitation of the Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia, the Association MAKLAB joined the celebration of the World Day of Accreditation. The event took place on 12 June 2012 in the Hotel Alexander Palace, where the President of MAKLAB, Magdalena Trajkovska Trpevska, Msc. in front of the representatives from the Government of Republic of Macedonia, representatives from the Ministry of Economy, representatives from the IARM, Delegation of European Union in Macedonia, the chairman of the Committee for multilateral treaties of the European Cooperation for Accreditation (ЕА-МАC), representatives from the Accreditation body of Serbia, associates and representatives of the conformity assessment bodies and journalists, welcomed the signing of the agreement for mutual recognition of accreditation results between IARM and European accreditation organization. Further on, she has emphasized the role of MAKLAB as partner of IARM in promotion of accreditation in the Republic of Macedonia, as a sign of quality and competitiveness of the Macedonian laboratories, as a precondition for equal treatment on European and world markets, together with other European laboratories.