Macedonian Association of laboratories MAKLAB is established in 2011 as a result of the need for laboratory association in Macedonia in order to represent their common interests, promoting and enhancing their mutual cooperation.
MAKLAB is nongovernmental and non-for-profit organization and its actions are based on the principles, goals and objectives stated in the Statute of the Association.
MAKLAB has obtained decision from the Ministry of Justice of Macedonia that allows MAKLAB to use the name “Macedonian” and the acronym “MAK”.
President of the Macedonian Association of laboratories MAKLAB is Magdalena Trajkovska Trpevska, Bsc.
The strategy of the Association MAKLAB is directed towards development of laboratory quality and the competence of the laboratories, as well as increasing the cooperation based on their common interests that is leading towards development, improving of the standards and the quality of the living.
Also, one part of the strategy of MAKLAB is organized presentation in front of the Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia, in front of the state institutions, the private sector, as well as representation in front of the European associations of this kind.
Mutual collaboration of the laboratories in this kind of Association will help develop the quality system for each involved laboratory, through exchange of information and common resources.
This, directly or indirectly provides the economy with improved services and products, which are highly competitive on the market.
The goals of the Association MAKLAB are achieved through the following activities:
- Providing expert support to the laboratories for implementation of quality improvement systems for testing, measurements and analysis.
- Organization of professional conferences, seminars, lectures and meetings for the purpose of mutual information and exchange of experiences.
- Cooperation with the Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia in order to promote the importance of accreditation in laboratory practice as a key part in ensuring the quality of the laboratory results.
- Collaboration with scientific and educational institutions, government institutions, trade associations which perform laboratory practice
- Issuing scientific and other publications which contribute towards publishing concerning the actions of the association
- Organization of national pattern for laboratory testing, measurements and analysis.
- Issuing newsletters containing news for the work of the Association and its members.
- Realization of activities that will develop and increase the need for expert, competent and quality organizing and presentation of the common interests of the members of the Association and other subjects involved directly or indirectly in laboratory practice.
- Promotion of the importance of quality and professional work of the laboratories that are giving services and the legal entities and individuals – the users of the services, creation of behavior codex and level of quality of the laboratory services.
- Issuing technical documents to the Association for the common attitudes for the technical issues.
- Developing cooperation with other national and international organization and bodies such as EUROLAB, ILAC etc.
The Association MAKLAB is actively supporting cooperation with other associations from its kind in the region and further. The result of this is the signed Memorandum for cooperation with the Association of Croatian Laboratories CROLAB.
The competence of laboratories for MAKLAB is of highest importance, in order to assure quality in various areas with the goal of developing and raising the living standards and the quality of living.
The Association MAKLAB directs its action towards achieving the following goals:
- Organizing the laboratories in Republic for Macedonia for the interest of improving the quality and the competitiveness, by using common potentials.
- Development of mutual cooperation of the laboratories on the basis of common interest that are leading towards development and increasing of the standards and the quality of living in general.
- Promotion of effective testing, calibration and measurement services from the laboratories in Macedonia for which the accuracy and reliability of the quality are imperative.
- Ensuring exchange of information and experiences between the laboratories in Macedonia and their joint act in front of the state institutions and companies.
- Development of possible joint presentation in front of the European Institutions and bodies concerning the issue (EUROLAB, EURAHEM,..)
Work program of the Macedonian Association of laboratories MAKLAB includes:
- Undertaking activities that laboratories for testing and calibration in RM will enhance its mutual cooperation,
- Establishing a register of laboratories
- Collaboration with the Institute for accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia (IARM) with the goal of promoting the accreditation in the laboratory practice.
- Organization of trainings that are related with the implementation of systems for improving the quality of testing, measurements and laboratory analysis.
- Organizing professional conferences, seminars, lectures and meetings with a goal for mutual informing, friendship and exchange of experiences;
- Participation of international conferences, trainings and seminars.
- Cooperation with other organization and associations of such kind in the region and further